

massage therapy

From Swedish relaxation and sleep massage to deep tissue and sports massage, massage therapy can help the body heal from the degenerative effects of stress, anxiety, and injury. Massage therapy can be your escape from daily cares or part of your essential healthcare practice - or both!


spa services

Self-care is essential to our wellness and spa services can help you to care for yourself in a multitude of ways. Spa services can also help you or someone you love to prepare for special events like weddings or vacations. They can also help to decrease anxiety and stress levels before, during, or after intense experiences or life phases.

for couples

Looking for a great date night or an awesome gift for an anniversary or wedding? We can help!


chair massage

Chair massage is a fantastic way to express your gratitude to your employees or clients. It’s also a great way to increase traffic at conventions, fairs, and markets.


kinesio taping

Whether you are recovering from an injury, post-op, post-partum, or you just need a little added stability, kinesio taping might help.

massage is the best gift.

GIFT Cards available!

Physical gift cards available in studio or CLICK HERE TO ORDER convenient e-gift cards.